Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Moment~

Time: 10.30am
Date: 30/10/2009
Place: Office

Lmk aku sik update blog, lbih seminggu rasanya.. besa la bz katakan wahaha. bz ngn GDI :P ..syukur makin hari biz semakin maju. kdg tenet kat umah selalu jak molah hal. bagai kata kwnku "besa la wifi pinjam, nang mcm ya la" .. huahua. kelak make broadband kurang lebih juak mcm ya. dah nama pun beruk. mcm2 eh.

Marek ngn aritok hari yg paling bahagia utk warga Awatra Miri haha. bkn apa, semua manager off to kl ada 3rd Quarter meeting.. pa gik mekorg, sukati klua sukati masok jak. kedak company mekorg ngempun. tok la masa mekorg jd 'bos'. bkn selalu nak. marek ku klua dr pkl 9pg cos ada interview kat kb.. sempat gik sesat, dah gik ujan lebat. huh!! sikpa, cabaran hehe... lekak interview direct gi 2020 mkn ngn colleague ku.. mkn pork porridge jak, lmk sik mkn koh huahua.. :p

* Sik sbr nak tunggu jwpn interview ku marek. bos ya mdh nya col mlm tok. wish me luck! Amen.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I miss this moment

Pict taken: on 2006 (College Trip)
For Borneo Post
College: NIIT (Kuching)
Place: Matang Wildlife

Really miss this moment, especially my good friend & classmates Raisa, Janice, Lamba, Hamsiah & Melia ....

Hope to see you guys again!

Aku mau TETAP percaya...

Sepasti fajar di pagi hari, yang selalu terbit pada waktu nya, aku mau percaya Tuhan, bahawa pertolongan Mu bagiku, akan selalu sampai tepat pada waktu nya, sekalipun aku tidak melihat apapun hari ini, aku mau tetap percaya padaMu, percaya pada janji-janjiMu.

Ketika kuhadapi kehidupan ini
Jalan mana yang harus kupilih
Kutahu ku tak mampu
kutahu ku tak sanggup
Hanya Kau Tuhan tempat jawabanku

Akupun tahu ku tak pernah sendiri
Karena Kau Allah yang Menggendongku
TanganMu membelaiku
CintaMu memuaskanku
Kau mengangkatku ketempat yang Tinggi

JanjiMu seperti fajar pagi hari
Yang tiada pernah terlambat Bersinar
CintaMu seperti sungai yang mengalir
Dan ku tahu betapa dalam KasihMu

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Yes, I can truly say that I'm a Bisaya and proud of our heritage. Perhaps most of you out there never know the origins of the name Bisaya. Here's info for you.

Source: "Bisaya Journey" by Joseph Belandoi

Who are the Bisaya people? A review of the literatures has found many ways in which other writers or scholars described the people called as Bisaya. Some viewed it from geo-political perspective, bodily features and dress style, their origins, language, etymology, and ethnic classifications.

Origins of the Bisaya people
"Did the Bisayas of the Phillipines originate from Borneo?" There are three dominant speculations regarding the origins of the Bisaya namely, from Borneo, Phillipines and Indonesia.

Borneo Origin

The most popular theory is that the Bisaya were of Bornean origin before migrating to the Phillipines. One of the earliest accounts on this migration was contained in a manuscript of folk epic called Maragtas, recorded by Father Santaren (1956). This manuscripts detailed the tales of 10 Bisaya chieftains (dato or datu)bled by Dato Pote, who left Borneo and settled on the Island of Panay and on the southern coast of Luzon - now know as Province of Batangas. The migration was have to have occured in 1250 or during the first half of the 13th century.

According to Magos, the Bornean datus (Datos) headed by Datu Puti, came to Panay Island with their families and slaves to escape the oppressive rule of Sultan Makatunaw (Makatunao). They landed at the mouth of the Siwaragan River in San Joaquin, Iloilo. Finding the place peopled by dark-skinned Negritoes, they negotiated for the purchase of the island from chieftain Marikudo and his wife Maniwantiwan for one gold saduk (wide-brimemd hat), salakot and a manangyad (a long gold necklace). The story further said that the group of ten datus continued to sail and landed in Malandog, Hamtic, Antique where their first settlement was made.

Of the ten datus, three remained in Panay but the rest of the Datus sailed northwards and settled in the northern parts of the archipelago. Their leader, Datu Puti, sailed back to Borneo. For administrative purposes, Datu Sumakwel, Bangkaya and Paiburong divided the island into three sakups (districts).

Scholars such as Carroll (1960) doubted and disagreed with some details of this migration as it was suspected that Father Santaren had altered or composed parts of the record. Nonetheless, the alternative theory that he offered, although slightly differ in explanation, pointed to the fact that the Bisaya of the Phillipines came from Borneo. He theorised that constant harassments by the people of the "River of Bisaya" - now known as Melanau Bintulu, led by their chief Makatunao caused the Bisaya to fee to the Phillipines. When the Bisaya of a Brunei ruler (presumed to be Alak Betata). This paved the way for the Brunei invasion over the Retus and Bintulu Rivers. In later years, migration from Borneo to Panay continued and brought the name Bisaya to Panay and the nearby islands. This view, however, did not mentioned whether those people who fled to the Phillipines were of the same stock with the people of the "River of Bisaya", near to Saragua (Sarawak).

Bisaya Originally Indonesian

Some writers such as Mazlan Abdullah (1978) believed that the Bisaya came from Indonesia. However, there is insufficient empirical evidence from other scholars to support his arguments. Mazlan Abdullah (1978) mentioned that the Bisaya has migrated to Brunei from the islands of Java and Sumatra, Indonesia before other migrants. It was said that they inhabited Brunei even before the 6th century. There were not much writings by other scholars to enable further exploration on this view, which were speculated based on possible links with the people of the Sri Vijaya Empire, that once has influenced over the Malay Malay Archipelago. In addition, there is yet to be any known fact having similar cultures, language, or perhaps history with that of Sarawak's Bisaya.

Filipinos Turns Bornean

The third speculation mentioned that the Bisaya migrated from the Phillipines. Rutter (1929) suggested that the Bisaya of Borneo were probably the offshoot of the Bisaya of the Phillipines. Sandin (1971 & 1978) based on the oral hisrtory that the recorded, mentioned that the Bisaya were descendants of Orang Kaya Gunung, a Bisaya from the Phillipines, who fled to Borneo after an argument over inheritance with hos siblings, married a tenggara (Limbang) woman and names his race Bisaya.

Selamat Jati Yanjah (1990) doubted this argument because it lacked empirical evidence and there is no other record from other Bisayas that support this.

Despite all these speculations, scholars had not reached any agreements. Perhaps, more in-depth studies in this subject need to be carried out, if concrete answers are to be found. Taking the cue from Bewsher (1958) there are strong indications that the Bisaya are indeed the people of Borneo, as after more than 70 years after he first landed in Bisaya settlements, they remained static. Majority are still living in the same location described by him, although some minor migration had happened due to employment.

Nasi Lalapan

Nasi lalapan is one of the menu that i must recommend to all of you. Its not that expensive lah. About rm10-rm12 only. Mun ari² mkn kira expensive lah juak. Once a month ok la :p . The price is depends on the main menu of nasi lalapan either chicken or fish (keli, kembung etc) .. So, if you're in Miri or you're planning to come to Miri please try this Nasi Lalapan, just head to Muara Cafe at waterfront miri area. Sure puas hati!! HAHA

Durian Kura-Kura

Durian Kura-Kura (Durio testudinarium)

Penah sik takorg mkn or nangga durian tok? Mun sik penah kelak dtg gi kpg aku :P

Pic tok ku mpun ambik time aku balit kpg ariya.. Nang kembung perut mkn eh. Lom gik termasuk Durian putih/kuning ya. Sik puas mkn kat kpg, aku tapau bbrp bijik mbak balit Miri huahua. Tp paling best la mun petik dr pokok nya then mkn trus d sia. Fresh! Kat kpg aku cuma mekorg jak ada pokok durian kura-kura tok. So, mun dah bebuah semua sanak saudara akan dtg petik. Best juak la mkn ramai2.. Thanks to my grandpa and grandma cos tanam bermacam2 jenis buah kat dusun. Nok sikda, bleh ada juak haha! Kira nya kelak jd dusun turun-temurun lah kat anak cucu. Sik perlu susah² beli :P