Sunday, September 19, 2010

Massage please!!

Time: 8.42pm
Place: Home sweet home

Ah! i think i need to go for body massage. My whole body feels sore and tired la adui. Kepala berat and sometimes make me lil bit dizzy. hurm.

Still thinking what kind of massage is right for me ehm. Reflexology? Traditional? Actually i prefer traditional massage coz i heard traditional much better than modern massage but faham2 la kan..mesti sakit uwaa!! Especially klu org tua2 yg massage <:O>

I imagine la someone hold my head right now then pelan2 urut..adui! Confirm like heaven jak!! wahahaha.. Urgh! Will find body massage centre la some time. I should release all this..

Im back in September mode~

Hallloooooooo... shalom........................

"Wake me up when september end" lalala belagu2 lok. LOL. - this is the most popular song setiap kali masuknya bulan September setiap tahun haha :P

Wahh! Almost a year aku sik update blog aku tok. After aku leaving awatra, aku nang jarang online coz sikda internet line. Ada register celcom broadband celcom tp alahaii..laju gik kura2. Especially kat umah aku, line celcom nang cam !%&#@ last2 terminate jak lah.huh! tambahan juak kononnya bz with my new job. Huahua.

Sampai la satu saat around last month aku decide nak register maxis broadband. huhu. Abis ya boring juak nak, rindu nak online selalu cam dolok. Otak aku pun rasa cam bekarat dah lama sik online haishh. and syukur lah line maxis 99.9% lebih bgus gik dari celcom. Compliment to maxis!!

Dah sebulan bok la aku terfikir pasal blog aku tok huhu. Sikit gik aku lupak yg aku ada bkn apa, aku tok mls juak kdg nak update blog coz aku sikda idea and sik se'creative org lain.. Mun cakap pasal politik bole tok haha.. lak membebel sik abis2 lah aku ctok.. :P~

Okies! will update my blog again ;)

See ya!! mUAHS..